Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Amazing Mom's Contest

Hello Faithful Friends and Fans,
Over the winter months I’ve had a lot of time to plan and create a number of new exciting promotionals, contests, and products to bring to you starting this Spring. You might think that the life of a photog revolves around snapping the pictures, but really there is tons of other work that goes on after the hour or two photo sessions; editing, designing, creating….

So today I would like to share with you my latest contest “AMAZING MOMS.” As I was thinking of the upcoming Mother’s Day, I knew there had to be some better way to honor our mother’s than a bouquet of flowers that a week later will wilt away. Now, this is not to say that buying your mom flowers is not a gesture from the heart, but couldn’t there be some better way? Couldn’t there be something that last longer than flowers or chocolate, or dinner out?

And then it hit me, how about a family photo shoot, at NO COST TO YOU! An hence came the idea of the Amazing Moms contest.

Here’s the Scoop:
Over the next three weeks you will have the opportunity to submit your Madre into our contest. All entries must include a summary of why you think your mom deserves to win the AMAZING MOMS contest. We want to know why your mom is so special to you. So tell us a little bit about your mom and who she is. WE love entrants from all ages to, so have your husband’s get the kids together and enter you into the contest. All emails must include a name, photo of your mom, and contact information along with your entry and send them along to
m . All entries must be dated and received by April 2, 2010 before 11:59pm to be considered.

1 Entrant will receive a Standard session valued at $150 at the location of your choice
2 Entrants will receive a Mini session valued at $75 dollars at the location of your choice
All entrants will receive 20% off session fees that can be used within a year of April 2, 2010.

We are excited to hear about your mom’s and why they are so special and important. Start sending entries today!
Contact us by email or on facebook @ Heather Marie Photography with any questions.
                                           This is my Amazing Momma!

Friday, March 5, 2010


I know, I know, I know....It has been way too long once again. It is just so much easier to upload and update the facebook page. The winter has been a slow and cold time. When was the last time kids had what, 6days off of school. I almost wished I was in school again just so I could have off.

Hopefully Spring is on its way and my free time will very quickly dwindle, filled with weddings, engagements, seniors, etc. I'm hoping to update more in depth on what specials we have coming soon, but here are some recent shots to tide you over.